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Page 1 - August 2014


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August 2014

SUPERINTENDENT’S MESSAGE From the Desk of Mr. Jon Detwiler

Greetings from Lakota Local Schools, I hope this letter finds you enjoying warm summer days. The older I get, the more I enjoy the summer and the less I like winter. I am praying that this winter will not be as cold as last year. The building has been active all summer with top to bottom cleaning done by our hard working custodial crew. Many of our sports teams have had camps and practices this summer in order to compete during their upcoming seasons.The administrative staff has been busy interviewing and hiring new staff to fill openings. We have hired some very impressive people to help us reach our goals. The transportation department was busy cleaning and servicing our fleet in order to pass a rigorous inspection by the Ohio Highway Patrol. The summer also affords us some time to reflect and consider areas where we can improve our service to the community. One challenge that all organizations struggle with is communication. I often hear from community members that they do not always have the information they need

about what is going on in the district. We will do better. I plan to roll out a greater school presence through a school based social media site that will allow our staff to post information and activities happening at school. We will be focusing more time on the activity calendars so parents and grandparents will have a reliable source of information about school activities and any changes in our website calendars. I am also scheduling some informal meeting times at some area locations where I will make myself available to answer any questions you might have about what is going on here at Lakota. There are many exciting things happening in our district. Academically we are making great improvements. We are looking at some tremendous potential on our athletic teams this year. Our financial health is good. We have a talented and dedicated staff that truly cares about every child. The future is bright for LLS. It is going to be a great year. Thank you for allowing me to serve this district.


At the beginning of each school year, parents and guardians are asked to complete a green Emergency Medical Authorization (EMA) card for each child attending school. Please take an extra moment when completing this card to make sure that you are including all of the information that we may need in the event that your child has an emergency while at school. It is so important that we have current phone numbers, medical conditions, medications and allergies listed for each child. The information on this card gives school personnel permission to act in the case of emergency, please help us to be prepared. If your child will need to take medication while at school there is a form that will need to be completed by both you and the child’s health care provider so that school personnel has permission to give the medication. This form needs to be completed for both prescription medication and over the counter medications. The Administration of Medicines to Students form can be found on the Lakota website. When you are on the home page, click on the heading that says “District” and then click on “Nurse’s Corner”. There is a link to the form that can be printed. The forms are also available at school after August 12. Please contact Beth Crawford RN at 419-986-6640 or [emailprotected] with any questions that you have about your child’s health.

MEASLES AND MUMPS OUTBREAK IN OHIO Submitted by Beth Crawford, School Nurse

The Ohio Department of Health is investigating an outbreak of measles and mumps that have occurred in some areas of the state. Both measles and mumps are preventable and most children over the age of one year have been vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella (the MMR vaccine). Please check with your child’s health care provider to make sure that your child has had the proper protection against these diseases. If your school aged child has not received the MMR vaccines and there is a case of measles at school, your child will be excluded until 21 days after rash onset in the last case of measles. This is to protect your child from contracting the disease.

OPEN HOUSE Mon., Aug. 25, 2014 • 3:30 – 6:00 p.m.

Front row: Elizabeth Graber, Gates McGough, Alaina Bickford, Louise Steyer (advisor), Brittany Kerlin, Tiffany Johnson, Cariss Reese, Marissa Hicks, Katie Park, Kyler Painter Middle row: Taylor Smith, Sierra Harris, Morgan Mowry, Kyleigh Harrison, Barbara Sprauer, Paige Alloway, Keeley Brust, Ricky Taulker, Simon Jay Back row: Allison Strausbaugh, Mac Flanagan, William Jenne, Tyler Cox, Caleb Tolento, Isaac Ritter, Alexandra Myers, Makayla Dull, Jack Raymond, Jacob Stewart Missing: Megan Murphy


The Lakota High School Honors Banquet was held on Monday, May 19, 2014 at Ole Zim’s Wagon Shed with approximately 290 students, parents and faculty in attendance. One hundred fourteen students were recognized for being named to the honor roll for the first three grading periods of the 2013-2014 school year. Additionally, sixteen juniors and seniors were inducted for membership in the National Honor Society chapter. Thirteen current NHS members also took part in the ceremony. Officers for the 2014-2015 year were elected and are: President, Ricky Taulker; Vice-President, Jacob Stewart; Secretary, Elizabeth Graber; Treasurer, Keeley Brust. Members also voted on two seniors to each receive a $250 scholarship. The winners were Cariss Reese and Taylor Smith. In addition, Morgan Mowry and Jack Raymond were each awarded $250 scholarships from the American Red Cross for their service in volunteering at Lakota High School bloodmobiles. Mrs. Louise Steyer was recognized by all of the members for her years of service as advisor of the group. She was presented with a glass award and gift card.

Mrs. Steyer receives a gift in recognition for her years of service as NHS Advisor.

Lakota Cares/LHS Academic Boosters


Mark your calendars! Lakota Cares and LHS Academic Boosters will be hosting a Harlan’s Chicken Barbeque on October 24, 2014, prior to the Senior Night football game vs. St. Joseph Central Catholic. Chicken dinners will be served from 4:00-7:00 p.m. in the Lakota Auditeria. Tickets are $9.00 and include ½ BBQ chicken, baked potato, vegetable, roll, dessert and drink. The proceeds will go to Lakota Cares and the LHS Academic Boosters. Tickets will be sold in advance and can be purchased from the High School Office or by calling 419-986-6620.


The Lakota Athletic Boosters would like to congratulate the following graduating seniors for receiving the 2014 Athletic Booster scholarship. Congratulations to Morgan Mowry and Colin Timmons.

Page 2 - August 2014

HIGH SCHOOL From The Desk Of Mrs. Sherry Sprow Lakota High School Principal

As summer break comes to an end, it is once again time to start making plans for a new school year.The 2014-2015 school year will begin on Wednesday, August 27th. We will be hosting an Open House on Monday, August 25th from 3:30-6:00 p.m. I would like to welcome back all the students and extend a special welcome to the incoming freshmen and new students. The staff at LHS is looking forward to working with you. I would like to extend my appreciation to the faculty, staff, students and community for their excellent support. Together we will continue to educate and develop the students of Lakota Schools into successful young adults. May your remaining days of summer break be safe and enjoyable. See you soon.


Grade 12

Grade 10

Raymond, Cariss Reese,Thomas Rich, Katrina Woodruff

Emily Crowe, Jaclyn Flanagan, Andrea Hickle, Ali Kagy, Brandon Lane, Josh Mason, Gabrielle McGough, Hannah Miller, Austin Ponn, Samantha Shultz, Makayla Waggoner

4.0 Sierra Harris, Gates McGough, Jack 3.90 – 3.0

Jacob Aaron, Scotty Anderson, Bobbi Arriaga, Abigail Bickford, Alaina Bickford, Julian Boose, Caleigh Carr, Justin Durst, Grace Finsel, Mac Flanagan, Albert Guerra, Kyleigh Harrison, Marissa Hicks, Alexandra Hovis, William Jenne, Brittany Kerlin, Makayla Kiser, Alexandria McDole, Jeremiah McGowan, Bailee Milligan, Morgan Mowry, Andrew Rausch, Johnathon Roper, Jordan Smith, Taylor Smith, Colin Timmons

Grade 11 4.0

Paige Alloway, Corey Damschroder, Alexandra Myers, Allyson Schoendorf, Jacob Stewart 3.90 – 3.0

Tessa Ball, Khilee Baltz, Caitlyn Brown, Keeley Brust, Brandon Butler, Nikkia Cooper, Makayla Dull, Holcomb Durst, Miranda Durst, Brent Duvall, Drake Foos, Dylan Foos, Morgan Gangwer, Elizabeth Graber, Raven Graham, Josh Jacquot, Jordan Jaso, Simon Jay, Jessika Knapp, Samantha Kramer, Destiney Long-Meyer, Cody Markin, Joey McGowan, Jon Moes, Casey Monroe, Megan Murphy, Serenity Myers, Kyler Painter, Qiana Palos, Katrina Park, Paige Paxson, Laura Reiter, William Riddle, Isaac Ritter, Aubrey Spaulding, Allison Strausbaugh, Ricky Taulker, Caleb Tolento, Amanda Wade, Nicholas Watts


In our 3rd quarter, Saraya Durst, Cheyenne Holman, Thomas Rich, Kelsey Tennison, Katrina Woodruff and Austin Sorenson should have been listed on the Honor Roll.


3.90 – 3.0

Summer Allen, Jalan Batey, Aubrey Bickford, Zach Boise, Bailey Bomer, Andrea Bordner, Nicholas Busack, Sabrina Caldwell, Hunter Chalfin, Miranda Cox, Alexis Feathers, Andrew Ferree, Chris Fillhart, Jessica Foster, Dakota Gilbert, Hunter Greiner, Nick Hackworth, McKenna Harrison, Jessica James, Spencer King, Dakota Kroeger, Evan Lewis, Bree Long-Meyer, David Mason, Meghan Miller, Racheal Miller, Samantha Miller, Kenidee Myers, Taylor Odom, Armando Palos, Travis Patton, Aspen Ray, Zach Rayle, Kayleigh Riddle, Ivy Rubel, Grant Rutledge, Alicia Schmidt, Matt Steiner, Ryan Talbert

House Bill 487 updated Ohio’s graduation requirements to ensure that all students are ready for success in college and work. As a result, the Class of 2017 (10th graders in the 2014-2015 school year) will be the last students to take the current Ohio Graduation Tests (OGTs). The new requirements take effect with the class of 2018 (ninth graders in Fall, 2014). Additionally, every student will have the opportunity to take a nationally-recognized college admission exam free of charge in the 11th grade. The honors diploma remains another option for students. The new guidelines require all students to take end of course exams in the following: • Algebra I and Geometry or Integrated Math I and II • Physical Science • American History and American Government • English I and English II The guidelines also require students to meet one of the following three: • Earn a cumulative passing score on seven end-of-course exams. • Earn a “remediation-free” score on a nationally recognized college admission exam such as ACT or SAT. Earn a State Board of Education-approved, industry-recognized credential or a state-issued license for practice in a career and achieve a score that demonstrates workforce readiness and employability on a job skills assessment. *The Ohio Course Requirements for graduation have not changed. For more information on these requirements, visit http://education.ohio.gov/getattachment/Topics/Testing/News/New-High-School-Graduation-Requirements/GradReq_2018. pdf.aspx


Several seniors spent three exciting days in Chicago, Illinois. While in Chicago the seniors visited: The Shed Aquarium, Wrigley Field, The Museum of Science and Industry, Navy Pier, and Willis Tower. They also enjoyed deep dish pizza, a river boat architectural tour, a medieval dinner show, and shopping on the Miracle Mile.

Grade 9 4.0

Stormy Chaney, Collin Gosche, RaeAnna Harner, Cheyenne Holman, Kelsey Johnson, Wade Sorensen, Abbey Strausbaugh, Kelsey Tennison 3.90 – 3.0

Abigail Alexander, Isaac Baker, Megan Belden, Brenden Biddle, Dakota Bowling, Kimberly Boyer, Raven Broski, Brendan Collum, Caris Conrad, Saraya Durst, Aubrey Finsel, Ashley Graham, Ethan Harmon, Chandler Harvey, Andrew Hovis, Destiny Johnson, Andrew Kagy, James Knallay, Fuyao Meng, Madison Randolph, Brianna Ray, Jessica Robinson, Brant Shank, Carson Slick, Drew Smith, Cory Ulmer, Summer Wagner


Student Activity (all students pay)…… Agricultural Education………… Ag Science Entrepreneurship Home, Power and Energy Natural Resources Plant Science Art ……………………………… Art I Art II Advanced Art Family Consumer Science……… Career & Fashion Career Search Child Development Financial Management Healthy Living Healthy & Safe Foods Managing Transitions


$35.00 Music…………………………… $22.00 Band Choir Sciences………………………… Biology Chemistry Earth Science $28.00 Environmental Science Honors Biology Honors Physical Science Physical Science $10.00 Zoology Anatomy………………………… Technology ……………………… Computer Applications Graphics/Animation Video Editing Web Page Design

$15.00 $12.00

$25.00 $10.00


Lakota High School is updating it’s distribution list. If you would like to be added to the distribution list and receive the daily announcements via e-mail, please send your name, e-mail address and phone number to the high school office or e-mail your request to: [emailprotected] (please include your e-mail address as well as your first and last name in the message).


Season – Student & Seniors Passes = $50 Season – Adult Passes = $100 Season – Family Passes = $250 Season – Middle School Student Pass = $40 for entire MS athletic season (MS football, MS volleyball, MS basketball) These passes are available at the High School office.

SAVE THE DATE The Lakota Athletic Boosters Reverse Raffle will be held on Saturday, November 8th, 2014 at Freeport Hall. Mark your calendars!!


Regular Schedule 1st 8:00-8:50 2nd 8:53-9:43 3rd 9:46-10:36 4th 10:39-11:29 5A 11:29-11:59 5B 11:59-12:29 5C 12:29-12:59 6th 1:02-1:52 7th 1:55-2:45

LAKOTA LUNCH & BREAKFAST FEES FOR THE 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR Grades K - 4 $2.00 Grades 5 – 12 $2.25 Adults $2.50 Breakfast $1.25 Milk $ .50 Reduced prices will remain the same.

Page 3 - August 2014


More than 120 students have heard their AgriScience Instructor, Mr. Jeff Adams share on a regular basis, dozens and dozens of opportunities they might be involved in each day of this past year. In his 35 years at Lakota it numbers nearly 3000 students and many more opportunities! Some of those students took the challenge and started seeing the value of their own efforts with degrees, awards and other recognitions. Over 36 students participated in over 22 Career Development Events at the sub-district, district and State levels. Teams competed at and/or qualified to the State level in events ranging from Rural Soils Evaluation to Agricultural and Industrial Diagnostics Systems; General Livestock Evaluation to Agricultural Communications; Poultry Judging to Ag Mechanics Skills; Agricultural Engineering to Cooperative Education; Food Sciences & Technology to Animal Health & Care; and from Agronomy and Outdoor Power to Wildlife Management and Nature Interpretation, just to name a few! Four young ladies applied for, were accepted and performed in the State FFA Chorus during the State FFA Convention in May. They were Kyleigh Harrison, Jessica James, Dynara Jones and Amanda Lane. Kyleigh and Carlee Conrad, who graduated in 2013, have just completed their application and video auditions for this fall’s National FFA Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. Any FFA member can only qualify for the National FFA Chorus, Band or Talent groups for two years. Carlee was selected last year and greatly enjoyed the experience. Lakota will find out if they have been selected in Mid-August.

Junior, Keeley Brust posted a very successful year for herself and the chapter, as the Chapter FFA President. Among the Ag Communications, Rural Soils, Public Speaking, Job Interview, Agronomy, Post-Secondary School options at Terra, helping others with their AET (Agricultural Experience Tracker) online records, Lakota FFA’s first State Leadership Night and many other activities, Keeley was able to devote some time completing her own State FFA Degree application and FOUR Proficiency Award Applications. Those were based largely on parts of her own SAEP including job placement at Brubaker’s Acres and Kansas Grain. At the District 4 Evaluations she placed 1st in three areas and 2nd in her fourth. She was selected as a TOP 4 State Finalist in the Nursery Operations, placing fourth at that level. Keeley also made the extra effort to run for consideration as a State FFA Officer. Of the 70 top notch candidates across Ohio, as a junior she did not make the final ballot this year, but looking back, it was QUITE A YEAR! The chapter had the opportunity to put on one more high energy, student run Recognition Banquet and Awards program in May and wished their Ag Teacher the best as he retires from the day-to-day teaching duties he has enjoyed for over 3 decades here at Lakota. Mr. Jeff Adams said at that gathKeeley Brust ering that his 35 years have been MANY MORE joys than discomforts. It has been his privilege to work at Lakota as their employee for 13 years and then for 22 years as a Vanguard-Sentinel Career and Tech Center instructor at the program where he started in July of 1979.

Pictured left to right: Kyleigh Harrison, Jessica James, Dynara Jones & Amanda Lane

Four more students earned the prestigious State FFA Degree for their efforts in leadership, school and community activities and their many hours in competitive events along with their own personal Supervised Agricultural Experience Projects (SAEPs). They are Senior, Jordan Smith; Junior, Patrick Shull; Senior, Tyler Cox and Junior, Keeley Brust). CONGRATULATIONS to them for this fine accomplishment!

Mr. Adams with many of the Leadership & Officer Team members

Pictured left to right: Jordan Smith, Patrick Shull, Tyler Cox & Keeley Brust

Mr. Adams would like to welcome Mrs. Valerie Karhoff as his replacement as the new Agriculture Teacher at Lakota. She comes with 10 years of teaching experience, most of which have been at nearby Old Fort. Her experience and her agricultural background growing up in the Attica area will serve her and the Lakota community well. While a student at Seneca East, she earned the State FFA and American FFA Degrees, so she is well versed in what the FFA and Agricultural Education has to offer students. Best wishes for students and Mrs. Karhoff in a successful first year at Lakota!

DRESS CODE AT LAKOTA HIGH SCHOOL AND LAKOTA MIDDLE SCHOOL In general, school dress should be such that it insures the health, welfare, and safety of students, and it projects a positive image of Lakota students and schools. Dress and grooming will be clean and consistent with health and safety requirements for the enhancement of the educational environment. Dress and grooming will not disrupt the teaching/learning process nor detract from orderly school climate. • Student apparel may not be offensive or promote hostility based on race, religion, gender, or ethnicity. • Clothing with offensive illustrations is not acceptable. School officials reserve the right to make recommendations for changes in the dress and grooming of students. • Clothing or jewelry that promotes alcohol, drugs, tobacco or gang identification; that contain profanity/vulgarity; or that suggest sexual or p*rnographic activity are

prohibited. • All shirts must have sleeves and be able to be tucked in. Shirts that are provocative or that contain sexual undertones (for example: girl in bikini, or picture that accentuates male or female anatomical features) are prohibited. (e.g., no “Hooters” shirts) Halter tops, tank tops, sleeveless tops, transparent clothing, and exposure of bare midriffs are prohibited. Short shorts, short skirts, spandex shorts, and pants with holes are prohibited. Short and skirt length must be at the top of the knee or longer. Shorts are permitted from the first day of school until October 1st. Shorts are permitted to be worn again after April 1st. Pants must be worn at the waist. The waist is defined as the area between the rib cage and the top of the hipbone. Exposed undergarments are prohibited. Leggings and yoga pants are prohibited unless worn

with a dress, skirt or top that comes to the knee or below. • Pajamas, robes and blankets are prohibited. • Book bags, large purses (defined as any bag that can hold a book), briefcases, duffel bags, or other similar items must be in student lockers during the school day and are not to be taken to classrooms or carried in hallways other than when entering/leaving the building or going to gym class. • Gym shoes that are only worn inside are required for physical education. • Slippers, shoes with cloth soles, or shoes with wheels are prohibited. • Pocket or wallet chains, spiked bracelets, or necklaces, or earrings are prohibited. • Hats/bandannas or other head apparel, sunglasses, and coats are prohibited during school hours unless prescribed. • Spikes or cleats are prohibited in the building

at all times. • Earrings/stud earrings and other jewelry should be appropriately worn. (e.g., some earrings that may be appropriate in a classroom setting may not be appropriate in a gym class) Students found in violation of the dress code will be asked to change clothes. If a student does not have a change of clothes, the student’s parents will be called to bring in a change of clothing. If the student’s parents cannot be reached, the student will spend the day in the office. The responsibility of enforcing the dress code belongs to all students, parents, and faculty members, but it ultimately belongs to the principal. In questionable situations, the administration will have the right to decide what is acceptable and unacceptable dress or appearance.

Page 4 - August 2014

MIDDLE SCHOOL From The Desk Of Mr. Charles Tackett Principal at Lakota Middle School

Albert Einstein was famously quoted, “The world, as we have created it, is a process of our thinking. It can not be changed without changing our thinking.” This adage holds true for how the administrator, teachers, and support personael at Lakota Middle School should react to the increasing accountability standards driven by the Ohio Department of Education. To get new results, to get different results, divergent ways of thinking must be embraced. To this end, the Middle School staff has a moral responsibility to think differently about how they provide educational opportunities for students: What is the most effective way to deliver instruction? What intervention systems need to be implemented to ensure all students receive equitable opportunities to learn? How does the school day need to be structured to maximize the time available? What allocations need to be made to provide teachers with the best educational resources? How can school be done differently to achieve the most effective results? Each of these questions alone can pose great challenges, especially when the allure of the status quo is so powerful. However, the Middle School’s Building Leadership Team (BLT) will address many of these questions, and more, as they prepare to lead the staff and students into this upcoming school year. Please be prepared, as parents and community members, to join the Middle School staff in these new ventures. More information about the BLT’s goals and objectives will be forthcoming during the first quarter of the school year. Thank you for your continued support of the Middle School’s programs!


For the upcoming school year, Lakota Middle School will implement a new intervention system designed to monitor students’ disciplinary infractions. The new A.C.T. system stands for Awareness – Control – Track and offers students opportunities to take positive responsibility for their behaviors. Students will receive A.C.T. points for misbehaviors that violate the Student Code of Conduct. As an example, students who are caught chewing gum may receive one A.C.T. point for the misbehavior. Once any student accumulates a specified number of A.C.T. points, Mr. Tackett, Principal, will give the student a verbal warning and an opportunity, via a behavior contract, to remove the A.C.T. point(s) from his or her record. Students who have no A.C.T. points at certain intervals during the school year will receive special incentives and rewards. More information about this new program for tracking school discipline will be sent home with students at the beginning of the school year. Please contact Mr. Tackett at the Middle School for information about the new A.C.T. system.


The Middle School staff diligently prepared the students for the 2014 Ohio Achievement Assessments (OAA), and the results validated the academic interventions the teachers utilized throughout last school year. Several important achievement indicators from the 2014 OAA include: • Out of 10 total achievement tests in grades 5-8, the teachers showed positive academic growth between the years 2013 and 2014 for the percent of students who reached the proficiency level or above, in 6 of 10 tested areas; • The percent of students who reached proficiency or above in 5th grade Reading jumped 7% in one year; • 39% of students - over a third of the entire grade level - in 5th grade Math reached the Advanced or Accelerated categories, the two highest levels of achievement; • The percent of students who reached proficiency or above in 5th grade Science jumped 8% in one year; • The percent of students who reached proficiency or above in 6th grade Reading rose 4% in one year; • 6th grade Math and 7th grade Math scores exceeded the state average scores for numbers of students at proficient or above by 4% and 5%, respectively; • 50% of students – half of the students in the grade level – in 8th grade Reading reached the Advanced or Accelerated categories, the two highest levels of achievement; • 8th grade Math and 8th grade Science scores exceeded state average scores for numbers of students at proficient or above by 14% and 9%, respectively. These positive achievement outcomes are indicative of the successful efforts of the Middle School staff to provide equitable learning opportunities for all students. However, increased academic accountability from the state of Ohio’s Department of Education means more work needs to be done. When school resumes, the Middle School’s Building Leadership Team (BLT) will meet monthly to establish aggregate achievement goals for the building and monitor progress toward those goals. Please look for communication from the Middle School staff by the end of the first quarter for information about the building-level academic goals the Middle School staff will endorse to promote continuous academic improvement for its students.

Meetings... ATHLETIC BOOSTERS MUSIC BOOSTERS August 25 – 6:30 p.m. September 22 – 6:30 p.m. October 27 – 6:30 p.m. In the Staff Dining Room


Please join us for P.T.O. meetings on August 18 – 6:30 p.m. September 15 – 6:30 p.m. October 20 – 6:30 p.m. In the Conf. Room in the Media Center

Wednesday, September 3rd Wednesday, October 1st Starting in September, 2014, meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the Staff Dining Room 2014-2015 Athletic Booster Officers President: Karl King Vice-President: Heidi Miller Secretary: Roxy Bowling Treasurer: Becky Geyman

2014-15 Lakota Middle School Supply Lists FIFTH GRADE

q 2 big boxes of tissues q large canvas pencil pouch q a supply of pencils – more will need to be purchased throughout the year q 5-subject spiral notebook q 4 pack dry erase markers q 3 composition books (sewn in pages) - READ 180 students only need 1 composition book q 1 multipack of highlighters q 5 vinyl/plastic folders (2 pocket style) – READ 180 students only need 3 folders q 1 roll paper towels q 2 bottles of Elmer’s school glue


q 2 big boxes of tissues q large canvas pencil pouch q a supply of pencils – more will need to be purchased throughout the year q 1 box of 12 colored pencils q scissors q 5-subject spiral notebook q 6 vinyl/plastic folders (2 pocket style) – READ 180 students only need 4 folders q highlighters, 1 pack of multicolor q 2 bottles of Elmer’s school glue q 3 composition books (sewn in pages) – READ 180 students only need one composition book q one 1 inch 3 ring binder with pockets inside the front and back covers q 1 set of notebook divider tabs for the binder (5 tab packet)

q 1 pair of headphones/ear buds in a Ziploc bag with student’s name–READ 180 class only q red pens q 2 or 3 erasers q scissors q 1 box of 12 colored pencils q quart size zip baggies ***Band /music students will need folder, notebook paper and pencils Please do NOT bring white out or permanent markers to school. These items will be confiscated.

q 1 roll paper towels q one package of 3 oz. drink cups q calculator (more information will be given first week of school) q 1 pair of headphones/ear buds in a Ziploc bag with student’s name–READ 180 class only q red pens q 2 or 3 erasers q quart size zip baggies q headphones or ear buds in a zipper baggie for computer class ***Band /music students will need folder, notebook paper and pencils Please do NOT bring white out or permanent markers to school. These items will be confiscated.

SEVENTH AND EIGHTH GRADE For ALL classes (including band/music): pencils, notebook paper, folders, two boxes of tissues for first period class (including band/music/phys. ed.) Language Arts q 4 glue sticks q one spiral notebook 100 page college rule (Accel @ Staples) q blue/black pens q two highlighters q erasers Math q two notebooks q one pack of pencils q one pack of pens q TI-30XIIS calculator (optional but highly recommended – Wal Mart/Target) q 4 dry erase makers q large eraser Social Studies q 3 packs (or more, to last the whole year) of 3x5 index cards q one plastic two pocket folder to leave in the classroom q colored pencils or markers q Book Cover q 4 glue sticks q 1 box zipper sandwich bags

q 1 highlighter (any color) Science q one plastic 2 pocket folder q calculator q 1” 3-ring binder with tab dividers q paper towels, zipper baggies, or Clorox wipes Computer class q 1” 3-ring binder q index tab dividers (5 tab packet) q 1 set of headphones or ear buds (any style) in a gallon-sized Ziploc bag with student’s name Science – Cramer (8th Grade ) q 1 ½ inch 3 ring binder to leave in class q Set of 5 tab dividers U.S. Studies – Meek (8th Grade) q Spiral notebook to leave in class Art – Oberhouse (8th Grade) q 24-36 Colored Pencils q Sketch Pad/Drawing Pad with Spiral End For ALL classes (including band/music): pencils, notebook paper, folders, two boxes of tissues for first period class (including band/music/phys. ed.) Please do NOT bring white out or permanent markers to school. These items will be confiscated.

2014-2015 MIDDLE SCHOOL FEES $ 60.00


Reminder to all incoming kindergarten and 7th grade students: Please make sure your child has received all of the necessary immunizations prior to the start of the school year and remember to bring a copy of their record to school for your child’s file. If you have any questions, please contact Beth Crawford RN at 419-986-6640.

LMS TIME SCHEDULE Regular Schedule 1st 8:00-8:50 2nd 8:53-9:43 3rd 9:46-10:36 4th 10:39-11:29 5A 11:29-11:59 5B 11:59-12:29 5C 12:29-12:59 6th 1:02-1:52 7th 1:55-2:45

Page 5 - August 2014

MIDDLE SCHOOL LAKOTA MIDDLE SCHOOL 4th NINE WEEKS HONOR ROLL 5th Grade All A’s Emma Chalfin, Reilly Cozette, Leanne Craun, Maddison Danko, Kyleigh Dull, Alyssa Duvall, Drew Haar, Connor Hill, Jasmine Hines, Robert Hunker, Ethan Klotz, William Randolph, Cody Roush, Clairissa Stump, Eric Zuelzke 5th Grade A/B Morgan Belden, Michael Blevins, Dakota Dukett, Haley Frueh, Ann Hoffman, Kendra McDole, Carol Measel, Caleb Meel, Dakota Norris, Savana Ranzenberger, Nicole Reiter, Erica Riehl 6th Grade All A’s Noah Dull, Travis ho*rig, Kiersten Linkey, Lucas Rosenberger, Braden Schaser, Mariah Woodruff 6th Grade A/B Julia Baker, Gabrielle Bishop, Cameron Delarosa, Colt Dible, Alexa Gabel, Parris Hagemann, Karli Hansen, Trent Mathias, Madelyn Matz, Eva McGinnis, Norma Moore, Hailey Odom, Ashley Schoenfeld, Jacob Schreiner, Logan Wolph 7th Grade All A’s Cameron Balderson, Anna Brubaker, Emma Geyman, Morgan Johnson, Maryn Klaus, Katelyn Klotz, Roman Martinez, Nicholas Sayre, Brooke Shank, Reagan Zuelzke 7th Grade A/B Keely Brooks, Mary Capehart, Riley Danko, Gabrielle Dauterman, Brookelyn Dotson, Marcus Elliott, Kaitlyn Graham, Erica Hartley, Erin Hartley, Madison King, Dylan Moes, Destiny Parker, Dylan Quinlin, Jenna Ranzenberger, Brady Rosenberger, Adam Rutledge, Samantha Wallace, Noah Weaks, Jewleahia Welch, Alexa Yonikus 8th Grade All A’s Faith Biddle, Collin Carr, Devin Clark, Elijah Ernst, Makenna Linkey, Jonathan Mason 8th Grade A/B Caleb Brown, Mackenzie Feathers, Isreal Flores, Tyler Gabel, Chaunce Gangwer, Rilee Milligan, Brock Overmyer, Mason Rosenberger, Julia VanHoose, Nathan Walter, Brooklyn Ware, Jordan White


Jean Geyman Food Service Supervisor, 35 years of service Gail Stump Elementary Teacher, 13 years of service Marvin Schroeder Maintenance Supervisor, 35 years of service Jeff Adams High School Teacher, 35 years of service Ken Silverwood Custodian, 11 years of service Vickie Bowe Bus Operator, 17 years of service Dawn Currier Elementary Teacher, 26 years of service


Parent User Interface

Website URL: https://instantalert.honeywell.com

Minimum Requirements

Register and create your account

1. Go to the Honeywell Instant Alert for Schools website listed above. 2. If you are not a staff member in the school, click on ‘Parent’ in the New User box. 3. If you are a staff member in the school, you could instead click on ‘School Staff ’ in the New User box. 4. Complete the student information form. Click ‘Submit.’ 5. Complete the corresponding screen. Click ‘Submit.’ 6. After receiving the Confirmation message, click ‘Proceed’ to get started with Instant Alert. 7. Note: Remember your Login Name and Password so you may use it to update your profile. View and check details about yourself and your family members

1. Upon successful login, click on ‘My Family.’ 2. Click on a parent name to view and edit parent details. 3. Click on a student name to view details about your children enrolled in this school. Configure alert settings for yourself

1. Click on ‘Alert Setup.’ 2. Click on the check boxes to select which alert type you would like to have sent to which device. Click on ‘Save’when complete. 3. If you would like to add another contact device, select the device type and enter the device details. Select the person to whom the device belongs and click on ‘Add.’ 4. You are also able to set the days and times you would like your phones to receive alerts. For example, if you want your work phone to receive alerts only during the workdays, you could set the weekday start time to 8:00am and the weekday end time to 5:00pm and then uncheck the weekend box. Or, if you did not want your cell phone to receive alerts while you were sleeping, you could set the weekday start time to 6:00am and the weekday end time to 10:00pm and the weekend start time to 8:00am and the weekend end time to 11:00pm. You have the flexibility and control to set up your phones in many different ways. 5. For e-mail, text messaging and pagers you may send yourself a test message. Click on ‘Send Test Message’ to send yourself a message. Additional Functions View History of Alerts

Click on ‘Alert History’ to view Alerts that have been sent to you. Use the calendar icons and ‘Alert Type’ list to filter the Alerts.


25 District Open House – 3:30-6:00 p.m. 27 First Day for Students September

1 No School-Labor Day 12 Waiver Day October

13 No School-Teacher In-Service Day November

24 & 25 Early Dismissal & Parent/ Teacher Conferences 26 No School-Conference Comp Day 27 & 28 No School-Fall Break

LAKOTA LOCAL SCHOOLS 5200 C.R. 13 Mrs. Jean Geyman, Food Service Supervisor, receives her retirement blanket from Lakota Board of Education President Chris Chalfin.


Over sixty students participated in last year’s After-School Program, from mid-January to late April. For three days a week, students stayed after school until 4:15 and gained academic assistance to address important class concepts and to receive homework help. The Middle School staff will now offer the After-School Program during the fall months. For two days a week, beginning after the first quarter interims, the program will offer the same academic interventions as last year. This two-day-a-week program will run through early December and then break until mid-January, when it will resume as a three-day-a-week academic intervention. More information about the After-School Program will come home with students, once the school year begins.


Mr. Ken Silverwood, Custodian, is congratulated by Lakota Board of Education President Chris Chalfin.

Mr. Marvin Schroeder, Maintenance Supervisor, congratulated by Mr. Jon Detwiler, Superintendent

Mr. Jeff Adams, High School teacher, receives retirement blanket from Superintendent, Mr. Jon Detwiler


“Drive 4 UR School” is an event held by Reineke Family Dealerships and Ford in an effort to help local High School fundraising efforts. On October 8th, our students, parents, staff and friends are welcome to participate in this event. For every person who test drives a vehicle, $20 will be raised. This will be held during 3:00-7:00 p.m. at Reineke in Fostoria, Ohio. Thanks for your help!!

Kansas, OH 44841 PH: 419-986-6650 FAX: 419-986-6651

Superintendent Jon Detwiler (419) 986-6650 Treasurer Jennifer Hedrick (419) 986-6650 Special Education Dir./Curriculum Dir. Tracy Foos (419) 986-6650 Technology Coordinator Russ Abbott (419) 986-6650 Lakota On-line: www.lakotaschools.org

BOARD OF EDUCATION  Chris Chalfin - President (419) 457-6415  7415 C.R. 11, Risingsun, OH 43457 Barbara Lehmann - Vice-President (419) 638-2004  5374 C.R. 11, Kansas, OH 44841  Kurt Brewer - Board Member (419) 307-2054  2100 W. Millgrove Rd.  Risingsun, OH 43457  Fred Keith - Board Member (419) 288-2006  117 S. East, P.O. Box 236  Bradner, OH 43406-0236  Timothy Woodruff – Board Member (419) 457-4358 302 Union St., P.O. Box 178 Risingsun, OH 43457 Lakota High School Principal: Mrs. Sherry Sprow Grades 9,10,11,12 5200 C.R.13 Kansas, OH 44841 (419) 986-6620 Fax (419) 986-6621 Lakota Middle School Principal: Mr. Charles Tackett Grades 5, 6, 7, 8 5200 C.R.13 Kansas, OH 44841 (419) 986-6630 Fax (419) 986-6631 Lakota Elementary School Principal: Mr. Joshua Matz Grades PS, K, 1, 2, 3, 4 5200 C.R. 13 Kansas, OH 44841 (419) 986-6640 Fax (419) 986-6631 Lakota Local Schools is an equal opportunity employer. Mission Statement:  The Lakota Local School District, as a unified learning community, is dedicated to graduating students who are life-long learners and productive citizens in an ever-changing society.

Page 6 - August 2014


MIDDLE SCHOOL SPORTS WEEK RESULTS During April, many of Mr. Eric Brickman’s 7th & 8th grade math students enjoyed “Sports Week”. The games that they played were Basketball, Bowling, Baseball, Hocker and Obstacle Course. During the games, students were required to answer questions correctly for the chance to score more points by doing the related sports activity. This was a fun week of final review before the OAA test. Here are some of the top scores and leaders for each sport: GOLDEN SOMBRERO

MOST 3 POINTERS Autumn Bordner-10 Homers

Riley Danko & Jordan Sampson-63 points

10 Autumn Bordner 9 Cheyenne Heath, Emron Kern, Lucas Streacker 8 Cheyenne Fugitt, Tyler Gabel

63 Riley Danko & Jordan Sampson 47 Camrin Bennington & Trinity Morelock 47 Loretta Anderson & Kaleb Mahler 44 Gage Ware & Samantha Weaver 39 Marcus Elliot & Taylor Garn



GOLDEN SOMBRERO Maggie Snyder, Erica Hartley, Qiara Palos, Kelsey Brust 2 Qiara Palos, 1 Kelsey Brust, Erica Hartley, Maggie Snyder


Tyler Gabel-Four 3-Pointers 4 Tyler Gabel 3 Bailey Cushard, Cheyenne Fugitt, Hope Watson-Davis

BOWLING Riley Danko-Five-3 Pointers

Caleb Chalfin, Lucas Streacker, Dayvin Hagemann

5 Riley Danko, 4 Travis Enright 4 Kaleb Mahler, 3 Jordan Sampson

1 Caleb Chalfin, Dayvin Hagemann, Lucas Streacker


HOCKER Andrew Stuller & Zach Collum-92 Goals 92 Zach Collum & Andrew Stuller 80 Travis Enright & Samantha Wallace 78 Riley Danko & Taylor Garn 71 Erin Hartley & Dylan Quinlin 70 Fabian Laboy Velazquez & Zach Mogle

MOST 4 POINT GOALS Anna Klotz & Nathan Hutchinson-99 Pins

Elijah Ernst, Tim Steiner, Hope Watson-Davis, Sam McDermott-101 Pins (2 BOWLERS) 101 Elijah Ernst & Sam McDermott 101 Tim Steiner & Hope Watson-Davis 100 Chase Glover & Colton Rader 98 Cheyenne Fugitt & Kaitlyn Hatcher 97 Isreal Flores & Caleb Lanning 97 Tyler Gabel & Bryce Norwalk Anderson


99 Nathan Hutchinson & Anna Klotz 96 Zach Collum & Erica Hartley 96 Jared Hutton & CJ Warren 93 Brookelyn Dotson & Alexa Yonikus 91 Mary Capehart & Andrew Stuller

Olivia Bennington & Paige Franks-110 Points 110 Olivia Bennington & Paige Franks 102 Tyler Gabel & Chase Glover 94 Caleb Lanning & Hope Watson-Davis 94 Noah Koester & Logan Mallory


MOST STRIKES Erin Hartley-Eight 4 Point Goals 8 Erin Hartley 7 Travis Enright 6 Riley Danko, Mackenzie Kennedy 5 Nathan Hutchinson, Brady Jaso, Leah Patterson, Dylan Quinlin, Gage Ware Riley Danko-12 Strikes


12 Riley Danko 11 Zach Collum, Trinity Morelock, CJ Warren 10 Erin Hartley, Anna Klotz, Alexa Yonikus

Logan Stone, Haley Kinder, Caleb Chalfin-131 Pins (3 BOWLERS) 131 Caleb Chalfin, Haley Kinder, Logan Stone 128 Jack Greiner, Noah Koester, Sierra Norris 115 Kayleigh Barchus, MacKenzie Feathers, Tiffany Kauffman



Chase Glover-Ten 4-Point Goals 10 Chase Glover 9 Tyler Gabel 8 Olivia Bennington 7 Allen Bingle, Dayvin Hagemann, Noah Koester


Riley Danko & Alex Kreais-22 Points

Gage Ware, Riley Danko, Trinity Morelock, Alexa Yonikus-130 Points 130 Trinity Morelock & Gage Ware 130 Riley Danko & Alexa Yonikus 124 Alana Gracia & CJ Warren 120 Kelsey Brust & Erica Hartley 120 Zach Collum & Brenden O’Connell


22 Riley Danko, Alex Kreais 21 Camrin Bennington, Kaitlyn Graham 20 Zach Collum, Brooklyn Dotson, Taylor Garn, Nathan Glick, Alana Gracia, Dakota Holman 19 Loretta Anderson, Mary Capehart, Hope Clay, Marcus Elliott, Jared Hutton, Kaleb Mahler, Zach Mogle, Qiara Palos, Jordan Sampson, Gage Ware, CJ Warren

8 GRADE th

Elijah Ernst, Noah Koester, Cheyenne Fugitt -12 Strikes 12 Elijah Ernst, Cheyenne Fugitt, Noah Koester 11 Tyler Gabel, Kristi Jay, Haley Kinder, Bryce Norwalk-Anderson, Brock Overmyer,Logan Stone 10 Jack Greiner, Lucas Streacker



Caitlin Hicks & Autumn Bordner-125 Runs Levi Shull & Kelsey Curlis-57 Points Andrew Stuller-11 Homers 11 Andrew Stuller, 10 Riley Danko, 9 Erica Hartley 8 Alex Kreais, Leah Patterson 7 Zach Collum, Alana Gracia

57 Kelsey Curlis & Levi Shull 54 Bailey Cushard & Haley Kinder 53 Cheyenne Fugitt & Brock Overmyer 52 Tyler Gabel & Dayvin Hagemann 48 Elijah Ernst & Kaitlyn Hatcher

125 Autumn Border & Caitlin Hicks 124 Elijah Ernst & Tyler Gabel 121 Cheyenne Fugitt & Ellie Ohms 117 Carter Flanagan & Caleb Lanning 116 Tony Gonyer & Levi Shull

Elijah Ernst-22 Points 22 Elijah Ernst 21 Autumn Bordner, Tyler Gabel, Dayvin Hagemann, Caitlyn Hicks, Bryce Norwalk- Anderson, Hope Watson-Davis 20 Bailey Cushard, Paige Franks, Anthony Gonyer, Anthony Johnson, Haley Kinder, Caleb Lanning 19 Kayleigh Barchus, Caleb Chalfin, Kelsey Curlis, Mackenzie Feathers, Sam McDermott, Rachel Miller

Page 7 - August 2014

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL From The Desk of Mr. Josh Matz Principal at Lakota Elementary

Before looking ahead to the new school year, I need to acknowledge the great work of our summer staff in making our new building ready for the start of school. The behind the scenes efforts to make the building organized, clean, and ready for a successful year of learning have been very impressive. Equally impressive, our Summer Reading Program continued to be a great success with over 90 Pre-School through fifth grade students participating. A special thanks to Mrs. Ridgely for her dedication to our students and making this program possible! Mrs. Blachuta, Mrs. Chalfin, Mrs. Downs, Mrs. LaPierre, Miss Matla, and Mrs. Wansitler also deserve a huge thank you for running an additional summer intervention program. As we begin the 2014-2015 school year, many important and exciting events already mark the calendar. Whether it is literacy nights, pep rallies with the high school, visits from our fire departments, assemblies, musical performances, or simply great learning projects— Lakota Elementary is ready for another great year. For new families please continue to check our main website at www.lakotaschools.org for updates or feel free to call the office if you have any questions. Also “like us” on Facebook as Lakota Elementary School for general information and updates. I would like to again express my appreciation for the opportunity to serve the students of Lakota Local Schools. I welcome your calls and visits as we make this a successful year of learning and achievement. Make it a great day!


Welcome back students! We have an exciting year planned and can’t wait to get started! We look forward to working cooperatively with parents to ensure each student receives the best education possible. Teachers are excited to start a new year with new faces! Every year, the 4th grade students have the option of participating in the Pizza Hut “Book-it!” program. We would like to recognize all of the students that read all six months of “Book-it!” this year. Congratulations to Isabel Smith, Aaliyah Mossbarger, Madelynn Hushour, Cadence Bloom, Evan Foos, Garrett Schwochow, Libby Blausey, Simon Tackett, Jenna Juarez, Sophie Slover, Brianna Benavidez, Audrey Bender, Kinzer Dussel, Cecelia Ellison, Ethanial Ernst, Jocelynn Hamilton, Noah Hansen, Emylee Herr, Ben Hovis, Cory Jay, Ethan Longoria, J. Thomas Matz, Grady Moon, Rylee Overmyer, Tyler Reyna, Josh Rickard, Caleb Sears, Logan Streacker, Spencer Wasserman and Zaedyn Wedge. We are proud of your superior effort!! We look forward to seeing you at the Open House on Monday, August 25th from 3:306:00 p.m.


Welcome back students, teachers and staff ! We hope you are all having a wonderful summer vacation. Keep saving those Box Tops and Campbell’s Soup Labels! We welcome all parents, grandparents, teachers and staff to attend our monthly meetings held on the 3rd Monday of each month (unless a holiday falls on that day, then it will be the 3rd Tuesday). We can also be contacted via our mailbox here at school or email at [emailprotected].

LAKOTA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 4th NINE WEEKS HONOR ROLL Second Grade A Honor Roll Liliana Blachuta, Anthony Dixon, Brooklyn Foos, Cassidy Foos, Grant Guess, Grace Harmon, Levi ho*rig, Christina Lopez, Andrew Matz, Hannah Tackett and Zoie Widman A/B Honor Roll Cody Biddle, Audrey Decker, Chase Dussel, Maddox Eben, Mathew Flores, Blake Glick, Nevaeh Haubert, Anna Hunker, Jacie Hines, Caidence Iler, Grace Johnson, Mariyah Magnus, Tayla Manuel, Alex McGinnis, Wylie Measel, Haylee Nichols, Bobbi Ranzenberger, Madison Reinhart, Grace Rogers, Zoey Smith, Jared Tyson, Emma Warden and Jesse Wright Third Grade A Honor Roll Liza Ebert, Carlie Foos, Carson Hill, Jayla Hines, Paul Lopez, Kaiya Mompher, Ryan Parks, Simon Rosenberger, Cole Roush, Krystian Schorn, Theiden Taulker, Ariona Wimer A/B Honor Roll Aaralynn Adams, Jayson Bennington, Cole Broski, Kerstyn Carr, Justice Cofer, Seth Cushard, Rosendo Gracia, Cheyenne Haning, Peyton Harden, Miles Harner, Jason Harpster, Alex Holman, Michelle Jackson, Isabelle Klocinski, Trinity Koppus, Lilly Marion, Mitchell McDaid, Brandon Minich, Chet Moore, Breanna Norwalk-Anderson, Gaven Rathburn, Jaleel Rayford, Emily Reynolds, Kayleigh Rubel, Erin Sampson, Daniel Schmeltz, Jacob Stuller, Brayden Tyson, Brooke Trumpler, Casey Warren, Elijah Wolph, Makenzie Wyant and Maisey Zelman Fourth Grade A Honor Roll Hazel Alridge, Libby Blausey, Emylee Herr, Ben Hovis, Amilia Knisely, Zoie Lamb, Ethan Longoria, J. Thomas Matz, Grace Secord, Logan Streacker, Hannah Wasserman, Zaedyn Wedge and Gaige Yonikus A/B Honor Roll Kane Blachuta, Elvira Black, Cadence Bloom, Camron Burley, Ryan Davis, Kinzer Dussel, Evan Foos, Griffin Gillmor, Noah Hanson, Jasmine Haubert, Taylor Hille, Cory Jay, Olivia Kennedy, Trevor Mathias, Riley McDole, Grady Moon, Nicole Newell, Meghan Ohms, Andrew Patton, Reece Paul, Landen Powell, Tyler Reyna, Joshua Rickard, Andrew Roper, Joseph Scherger, Caleb Sears, Kiefer Shultz, Sophie Slover, Isabel Smith, Dylan Tyson, Paige Viola, Grace Wasserman, Spencer Wasserman, David Williams and Madelyn Zender


The first annual 4th grade Spelling Bee was held on Tuesday, June 3. All 4th graders in Mrs. LaPierre’s spelling/vocabulary classes had an opportunity to try out to participate on June 3. The top 20 students were selected.


The Lakota Athletic Boosters are currently conducting our annual Big Raider/Little Raider Membership Campaign for the 2014-2015 sports seasons. We greatly appreciate the support we have received in the past and look forward to the continued generosity of our Raider community. We would like to see how many supporters we have that graduated from Lakota. Behind your name, please list the year you graduated from Lakota. If you have not yet graduated, please list your anticipated year of graduation at Lakota. Becoming a member entitles you to be a part of the Booster Meetings which are held on the first Wednesday of the month (except Holidays) at 6:00 p.m. Please support our Membership Drive and send your form and money by Wednesday, August 20th. Make your check out to Lakota Athletic Boosters and mail it today. The cost is as follows: Big Raider Membership - $ 30.00 **** Little Raider Membership - $ 15.00 Thank you in advance for completing the form below and returning it to: Lakota Athletic Boosters c/o Becky Geyman 1770 C.R. 4 Risingsun, OH 43457 Big Raider Membership – Name(s) as you wish it to appear in the program plus graduation year or anticipated graduation year: (Example: John Doe ‘89) ____________________________ ___________________________________ Little Raider Membership – Name(s) as you wish it to appear in the program plus graduation year or anticipated graduation year: (Example: Sue Smith ‘92) ____________________________ __________________________________ Amount Enclosed $ ___________________ Phone: _______________________ JOIN OUR TRIBE FOR RAIDER PRIDE!

Kasyn Bixler, one of 20 Spelling Bee participants takes his turn at the microphone.

Spelling Bee winners pictured left to right: Isabel Smith (3rd Place), Patience Little (2nd Place), Libby Blausey (1st Place)



Buses arrive at 7:45 a.m. Class in session from 8:00 a.m. – 2:41 p.m. Buses pick up students to go home at 2:45 p.m.

Lakota Local Schools is interested in meeting the needs of children with disabilities. If you have or know of a child who may have a disability, please contact Tracy Foos, who is the Special Education Supervisor at Lakota at 419-986-6650 or [emailprotected].

Lakota Elementary School


2014-2015 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FEES $ 60.00

Page 8 - August 2014

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAKOTA ELEMENTARY SUPPLY LIST 2014-2015 All K-4 students should have: q Headphones q 2 boxes of crayons q 36 - #2 pencils q 2 Kleenex boxes q Gym shoes (kept at school) q Book bag q 2 black expo markers q 10 small glue sticks q 2 eraser chunks q 200 3x5 index cards q 1 - ½ inch 3 ring binder q Scissors (grades 2nd - 4th pointed) Note: See below for items NOT needed at a specific grade level Additional items for each grade level:


q 1 - 2 pack of Playdoh q 2 extra boxes of Crayola crayons (24 count) q 2 boxes of wet wipes (baby wipes, not Clorox wipes) q 2 boxes of Crayola markers classic colors only q Boys - 1 box of sandwich size baggies q Girls - 1 box of gallon size baggies q (VELCRO gym shoes only please) q NO ½ inch binder needed q Scissors should be rounded/blunt (Fiskar is recommended)

1st grade:

q 2 Pocket folders with prongs should be plastic q 1 empty frosting container q 1 spiral notebook q 1 set of Crayola markers q 2 extra expo black dry erase markers q 1 plastic pencil box q 1 box of quart size freezer bags q 1 box of gallon size baggies q 1 box of colored pencils q Scissors should be rounded/blunt (Fiskar is recommended)


Parents and eligible students may refuse to allow the Board to disclose any or all of “directory information” upon written notification to the Board within 15 days after receipt of this annual public notice.

2nd grade:

q 1 – 1 inch 3 ring binder with clear front q 2 red pens q 1 clean sock (for cleaning white-boards) q 1 plastic pencil box q 3 pocket folders (any design/color)

3rd grade: q Ruler with inches/centimeters q 2 clean socks q 2 rolls of Scotch tape q 2 Composition notebooks, 100 pages each q Pencil sharpener (with shavings case) q 1 - 1 inch 3 ring binder q 4 pocket folders (1 of each: red, blue, green, choice) q 1 box of gallon size baggies q 1 box of sandwich baggies q 1 set of colored pencils q 1 set of colored markers q 1 plastic pencil box

4th grade: q Pencil pouch with zipper (no box) q Notebook paper (1 pack 3 ring) q 1 set markers - fine tip q 2 rolls Scotch tape q 2 clean socks q 5 pocket folders (1 purple - 4 choice) q USB memory stick q 2 packs pencil top erasers q 1 empty frosting container q 1 set of colored pencils q 1 box of sandwich baggies q 1 box of gallon size baggies NO index cards, ½ inch binder, or eraser chunks needed.

OPEN HOUSE Mon., Aug. 25, 2014 3:30 – 6:00 p.m. Emergency Medical Information

Please remember to notify the school of any updates/changes to your child’s emergency medical information (i.e. home/work phone numbers, physician name/phone number, student’s medical condition, etc.) It is vital for your child’s safety that there is current information on file when needed.


The last Accelerated Reader (AR) party of the year was enjoyed by 252 students in grades 2, 3, and 4. Events included beach ball volleyball, sponge race, ice cream station, plunger ball relay, and scooter races. Awards earned by our Lakota Readers were as follows: Jenna Juarez, top point earner overall with 309.8 points. She won the family pass to the Monsoon Lagoon Waterpark. Winners of a Nook and Lakota Raider backpack for being top point earners at each grade level were: 2nd grade- Cassidy Foos - 177 points 3rd grade- Carson Hill - 145.9 points 4th grade – Jenna Juarez - 309.8 points The top 3 point earners in each grade level and winners of a trophy were: 2ndgrade: 1- Cassidy Foos - 177.0 pts. 2- Brooklyn Foos - 139.0 pts. 3- Zoie Widman - 113.7 pts. 3rdgrade: 1- Carson Hill - 145.9 pts. 2- Cole Roush - 134.5 pts. 3- Carlie Foos - 130.6 pts. 4th grade: 1- Jenna Juarez - 309.8 pts. 2- Libby Blausey - 300.6 pts 3- Cadence Bloom - 216.9 pts. The top 3 point earners in each classroom and winners of a Lakota Readers backpack were: 2B - Brooklyn Foos, Zoie Widman, Hannah Tackett 2G - Isaac King, Zoey Smith, Nate Jarboe tied for 3rd with Haylee Nichols 2P - Cassidy Foos, Jacie Hines, Christina Lopez 2S - Anthony Dixon, Jared Tyson, Bobbi Ranzenberger 3D - RosendoGracia, Liza Ebert,Breanna Anderson 3G - Carson Hill, Carlie Foos, Cory Bleckinger 3H - Cheyenne Haning, Jaleel Rayford, Daniel Schmeltz 4D - Logan Streaker, Paige Viola, J. Thomas Matz 4L - Isabel Smith, Patience Little, Olivia Kennedy 4LP - Mark Morelock, Amilia Knisely, Gaige Yonikus 4M - Jenna Juarez, Libby Blausey, Cadence Bloom All students received a certificate and a bag of prizes for their super reading accomplishments. Keep on reading because……Lakota Readers are Leaders!

4th GRADERS VISIT IMAGINATION STATION & TOUR THE TITANIC On Tuesday, May 20, fourth graders traveled to Toledo to explore the science exhibits at Imagination Station and tour the unsinkable ship, the Titanic. Students were given Titanic boarding passes which included the names of actual Titanic passengers. Students completed a scavenger hunt to locate facts about this historic event. Throughout the tour, there were displays recreating the rooms and corridors on the ship, clothing worn by passengers, and various artifacts that were later recovered. Students were able to search the ‘Survived & Lost’ lists to see if the passenger listed on their boarding passes lived or died. Thanks to Lakota PTO and parents for making this trip possible.


Reminder to all incoming kindergarten and 7th grade students: Please make sure your child has received all of the necessary immunizations prior to the start of the school year and remember to bring a copy of their record to school for your child’s file. If you have any questions, please contact Beth Crawford RN at 419-986-6640.


The Lakota Local schools are now taking applications for substitutes. The positions that are available are: certified teachers, cooks, custodians, aides, cashiers, secretaries and bus drivers. If you are interested, please call Ginny Nusbaum in the Board Office at 419-986-6650, extension 4301.

[PDF] LAKOTA LOCAL SCHOOLS - Free Download PDF (2024)


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