Wife of late Celtic legend Tommy Burns dies as flight she was on diverted to Cork Airport (2024)



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Wife of late Celtic legend Tommy Burns dies as flight she was on diverted to Cork Airport (3)


Wife of late Celtic legend Tommy Burns dies as flight she was on diverted to Cork Airport (4)

Chloe OKeeffe


The wife of the late Celtic legend Tommy Burns has died after falling ill on a flight from Tenerife to Glasgow.

It’s understood that Rosemary Burns, 69, fell ill on the flight which had to make an emergency landing at Cork Airport in the early hours of Wednesday morning (July 3).

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Flight LS176 was diverted mid-flight after the cabin crew issued a code 7700 Squawk — a code to indicate an emergency onboard typically due to a technical, environmental or medical issue.

Wife of late Celtic legend Tommy Burns dies as flight she was on diverted to Cork Airport (5)

Upon arrival, emergency services and medical teams were positioned on the runway to meet Mrs Burns, who was taken to hospital for further treatment.

It is understood the widow of Celtic star Tommy had fallen ill while holidaying in the Canary Islands and took an earlier flight back to Scotland.

Tommy was a well-known Scottish football star having played, managed and coached Celtic FC during his lifetime. He died in 2008, aged 51 years old, of melanoma.

Wife of late Celtic legend Tommy Burns dies as flight she was on diverted to Cork Airport (6)

The pair met when they were both 17 and married in 1980. They went on to have four children.

A statement from Celtic FC said everyone at the club was ‘devastated’ to learn of the death of Mrs Burns.

‘The thoughts are prayers of everyone at the club, and the entire Celtic Family are with their children, Emma, Jenna, Michael and Jonathan at this desperately sad time,’ the statement said.

UK-bound flight from Tenerife makes emergency landing at Cork Airport

Celtic Chairman Peter Lawwell also paid tribute, noting that Rosemary was known as ‘a devoted wife to Tommy, and also a loving mum and grandmother.’

‘All our thoughts and prayers are with Emma, Jenna, Michael and Jonathan, her grandchildren, and also with Rosemary’s wider family and many friends who will be heartbroken at this awful time.’

A statement from Jet2 confirmed that flight LS176 diverted to Cork ‘in the early hours’ of the morning due to a customer requiring medical assistance.

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Wife of late Celtic legend Tommy Burns dies as flight she was on diverted to Cork Airport (2024)


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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.